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Skilled Trades Showcase will be held at StoneGate Arts and Education Center



Indiana – October 5th, Thursday. Bedford, Indiana’s StoneGate is situated at 931 15th St.

There will be between 12 and 14 skilled trades represented, including bricklayers, plumbers, pipefitters, carpenters, and electricians. Students and community members will have a fantastic chance to interact directly with companies and professional tradespeople at this event. Opportunities to learn about apprentice programs will be available.

There are three sessions in the showcase. Area schools may participate in the first two sessions, which are aimed at grades 11 and 12. The final session, which is open to the public, will run from 2:00 to 4:00.

Duke Energy, Built to Succeed, Ivy Tech, Work One McIntryre Bros., and the North Lawrence Career Center are a few of our featured partners. A grant from Duke Energy has made this presentation possible.

Contact Linda Henderson at 812-279-8126 or [email protected] for further details.





