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Back discomfort may be an indicator you are suffering from the most common three types of cancer



As we all know, cancer is among the top 5 common causes of death in the U.S., taking second place on the list after heart disease.

Cancer can develop almost anywhere in the body, and bladder, lung, and spinal cancer are considered the most common among Americans.

Cancer is sometimes accompanied by back pain, and experts in this field claim that back discomfort may sometimes be a warning indication of an advanced or early stage of cancer.

Your bladder is an organ located in your lower abdomen that holds urine. If you are experiencing pain in your lower back, this might be an indication of cancer in your bladder. Tumors may develop in any part of the bladder, but the most typical place for them to do so is in the deepest tissue within your bladder. “The lining of the bladder is constantly in contact with carcinogens that enter the bloodstream and get filtered through the kidneys,” Dr. Daniel Petrylak said.

Pain in the lower back is a common symptom of the late stages of several cancers, including bladder cancer. If this happens in conjunction with other symptoms of bladder cancer, you should make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you can. These symptoms could include the need to urinate often, the presence of blood in the urine, or discomfort while urinating.

Pain in the back may be caused by cancer of the spinal cord or spinal column, which is an uncommon but possible explanation of your symptoms. A benign tumor on the spine, which doesn’t pose the threat of spreading to other body parts, may also be a cause. If spinal cancer is the cause of back pain, it is an early indicator of the disease, which over time may spread to other parts of the body. Even if you are receiving treatment, the pain may get more severe over time and may extend to other parts of your body, including your hips, legs, feet, or arms. It’s possible that back discomfort is the main indicator of spinal cancer, but other symptoms might include numbness, weakness, poor coordination in the arms and legs, and even paralysis.

Lung cancer is another common cancer that may cause back pain. Some forms of the disease have a low survival rate, so it is vital to visit your doctor if back pain springs up alongside other symptoms of lung cancer. The main signs of lung cancer include coughing up blood, persistent breathlessness, a long-lasting cough that gets worse, and a cough that lasts for two or more weeks. The disease is broadly split into two groups: non-small-cell lung cancer and small-cell lung cancer. Non-small-cell lung cancer is the most common form and has higher survival rates than small-cell.

By making some major changes to your habits and routines, you may significantly reduce the possibility of developing cancer in your body. Eating a healthy diet full of fruit and vegetables, doing regular exercise, and not smoking will all significantly lower your risk. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), roughly 30–40 percent of cancer risk can be attributed to lifestyle factors.

