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Body found in car Wedesday on S. Westplex Ave.



The Bloomington Police Department and the Monroe County Coroner are investigating after a man was found deceased in a car parked at 15 S. Westplex Ave., Wednesday morning around 10:50 a.m. This is the second person found dead in the city in the past 24 hours.

Police were called around 10:50 a.m. after a person reported finding a man who appeared to be deceased. Officers arriving confirmed in scanner traffic that the person had died. A passerby told the Bloomingtonian the man had been living in the car and was unhoused. Others confirmed seeing the man in the area over the past few months.

The body of another man, who was unhoused, was found in an improvised shelter around 24 hours earlier at the property of the former Player’s Pub building on S. Walnut.

The Bloomingtonian is holding the description of the vehicle pending notification of next of kin, and more information from authorities about the death.

This story will be updated when more information is available.

