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First Christmas in the NICU for newborn triplets at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital

Indianapolis, Indiana – Christmas presents for the Flower family arrived earlier than anticipated.
On October 4, Tara Flower gave birth to a batch of triplets. When Elenore, Ari, and Frances were born at 29 weeks and 3 days, they each weighed about 2 pounds.
The Flower Family will spend their first Christmas as a five-person family in the neonatal critical care unit at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis as a result of their early arrival.
“Their due date was December 17,” Tara Flower said. “It’s sad they’ll be in the NICU for their first Christmas, but the nurses are family.”
Flower claims that at initially it was challenging to leave the triplets in the hospital.
“You expect to take them with you and you’re not. So, my having built a lot of relationships with those nurses is definitely more comforting when I’m like, ‘Okay, I’m going to go home for the day.’ I let (the triplets) know they’re going to be in good hands,” Flower explained.
Kristy Slinkard, the main nurse caring for the triplets, has 25 years of experience in the NICU. She claims that working on Christmas Day is enjoyable.
“Oh, everybody brings treats. The babies are all dressed up and the parents come in,” Slinkard said. “It just feels like a celebration. It’s usually a nice day to work, on holidays.”
Sunday morning, Flower says she will have breakfast with her family in Alexandria. After that, she’ll fly to Indianapolis to spend their first Christmas together with Elenore, Ari, and Frances.
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