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Turkey farm in Indiana reports bird flu



Washington, Indiana – According to the Indiana Board of Animal Health, a commercial turkey farm in the state has tested positive for avian flu. This is the first time a commercial flock has tested positive in the state in over a year.

According to a state update released on Tuesday, there are 13,071 birds on the Daviess County farm. There is a quarantine on the farm. The farm’s name and location were withheld by the state. Drive time to Daviess County, where I-69 passes through, is approximately one hour and fifty minutes southwest of Indianapolis’ downtown.

According to the state, there are 45 commercial flocks in a control area surrounding the farm, 48 hobby and backyard flocks within 10 miles, and 56 commercial flocks within 20 miles. Farms in the counties of Daviess, Greene, and Martin are among those 56 flocks. Tests will be conducted at neighboring flocks to see if the avian flu has spread.

According to the Board of Animal Health, a noncommercial flock in Posey County was the site of the most recent known avian influenza epidemic in Indiana. That incident had an impact on twenty-three birds.

Bird flu outbreaks have been reported in six small hobby flocks with mixed kinds of birds and eleven commercial flocks of ducks and turkeys in Indiana since February 2022.

Between February and December of 2022, almost 229,000 birds were lost statewide in Indiana due to an infestation. Since February 2022, more than 1,000 locations across the United States have tested positive for bird flu. It has also been discovered that common birds, raptors, and wild ducks are infected with avian influenza.

According to the Indiana Board of Health, Indiana leads the nation in duck production, second in layer chicken and table egg output, and third in turkey production. Another significant producer of broilers is Indiana.


