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You still have time to get a flu shot



Indiana – There is still time if you haven’t obtained your annual flu shot. The best defense against the flu and its potentially fatal complications for you and your loved ones is the flu vaccination.

The CDC advises those 65 and older to get a higher-dose flu vaccine, if available, for improved defense.

Compared to young, healthy adults, people 65 and older are more likely to experience major flu-related complications. The immune system alters with aging, which contributes to this increased risk. For instance, it is estimated that between 50 and 70 percent of seasonal flu-related hospitalizations in previous years have involved adults 65 and older and that between 70 and 85 percent of seasonal flu-related deaths have occurred in this age group.

A flu vaccine is the strongest defense against the flu and any potential harmful effects. Because influenza viruses are continually evolving, flu vaccinations are revised every season. Immunity also deteriorates over time. Getting vaccinated annually aids in ensuring the strongest possible defense against the flu.

You can receive both the COVID-19 vaccine and the new bivalent COVID-19 booster at the same appointment, in case you didn’t know. To discover COVID-19 vaccines and flu injections in your area, including high-dose flu vaccines, visit

Remember that COVID-19 and flu injections are free of charge under Medicare.

