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Following a chase on I-65 that ended in a roll-over incident, police in Indianapolis locate 3 missing teenagers



Tippecanoe County, Indiana – After a chase with Indiana State Police on Interstate 65, a mother and three young people from Indianapolis were hurt. Charges may be forthcoming.

Around three in the morning, a trooper attempted to pull over a vehicle on I-65 close to the State Road 26/Lafayette/Rossville exit. The motorist, who authorities eventually identified as an adult, continued to go north on I-65 without stopping.

Three miles in, according to the police, the motorist ran off the road and crashed into an embankment. The car overturned and came to a stop in a ditch after coming to rest in the southbound lanes of State Road 25 and striking another embankment.

The three teenagers in the automobile, according to investigators, had all been reported missing from Indianapolis the day before. Unknown injuries are the extent of their transportation to a local hospital.

Due to the severity of her injuries, the driver will remain in a hospital in Lafayette, according to the police.

The Tippecanoe County Prosecutor’s Office will make the decision about the filing of charges.

