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New development planned for East 38th Street



Indianapolis, Indiana – On East 38th Street, about a mile west of Pendleton Pike, a group of businesspeople and religious leaders intend to construct an apartment complex.

“We are right in the vein of what we believe is a renaissance for this area,” said Kenneth Sullivan of New Direction Church.

After receiving a $100,000 grant from the Indianapolis Urban League, he is assisting with the organization of the project.

“When it’s done it’s going to look like 45 units of affordable apartments that are going to be available for families that are in need of a new home, those who are within that affordable rate, and those who need break-in terms of their rent,” Sullivan said.

The investment follows a declaration by the Indianapolis administration in November. The city’s Lift Indy plan will invest $300,000 in economic development, including new homes, parks, and apartments, and $2 million in homeownership options. The projected Purple Line by IndyGo is expected to improve bus service in the neighborhood.

“We’ve seen recently a new Goodwill center and facility go up. We have a new grocery store that’s coming here in Indianapolis set to open in 2023,” Sullivan said.

Sullivan hopes that his initiatives will offer locals a voice in neighborhood development and prevent them from being priced out of the neighborhood.

“We want others to be attracted to our community, whether that be business owners, small-business owners, other venues, other individuals that would like to step in,” Sullivan said.

Following the clearing of the site and the completion of an environmental survey, construction is anticipated to begin in the spring.

