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Six hundred members of the Indiana National Guard are scheduled to deploy to Kuwait



Edinburg, Indiana – As they get ready to deploy to Kuwait, hundreds of Indiana National Guard members will bid goodbye to loved ones on Wednesday.

Before departing for the Middle East, around 600 soldiers from the 38th Infantry Division will train in Texas for about a month.

At the division’s commanding general, Maj. Gen. Dan Degelow, the adjutant general, Gov. Eric Holcomb, and Maj. Gen. Dale Lyles are expected to address at the North Barracks Complex of Camp Atterbury at 1 p.m.

Hoosiers, friends, and family will attend the ceremony.

Before being sent abroad, the National Guard men will spend around a month in training at Fort Cavasos in Texas.

They will assist in Operation Spartan Shield, which is defined by the military as a “operation to build partner capacity and strengthen defense relationships through multinational exercises, response planning, and leader engagements.”



