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Tickets for Zoobilation go on sale on February 4



Indianapolis, Indiana – A Giant Shellabration is coming up; get ready!

Tickets for the 38th annual Zoobilation fundraiser will go on sale on Tuesday, February 4, the Indianapolis Zoo said Thursday. The Zoo’s website will start selling tickets at 9 a.m., and authorities anticipate that they will sell out quickly.

Participants at Zoobilation, the biggest annual black-tie fundraising event in the Midwest, must prepare to “party with a purpose.” Visitors will enjoy the stunning exhibits and live music at the Zoo while sampling food and beverages from the most well-known eateries and venues in central Indiana.

Zoobilation’s theme this year is “Giant Shellabration,” which honors the Zoo’s newest residents – Giant Tortoises. On Memorial Day weekend, the Zoo will open its new Giant Tortoise exhibit, giving visitors to Zoobiliation the chance to interact closely with the Aldabra tortoises.

Every year, the Zoo organizes a fundraiser called Zoobiliation to collect funds for the care of its 48,000 plant types, 1,400 animals, and conservation efforts. With no direct yearly government funding, the Indianapolis Zoo is the biggest privately sponsored zoo in the United States.

On Friday, June 13, the celebration this year is scheduled to start at 5:30 p.m., with general admission starting at 7 p.m.

Every visitor to Zoobilation must be at least 21 years old. Zoo members can purchase general admission tickets for $275 (up to four per person), while nonmembers can purchase them for $300 (up to four per person). Tickets for the premium experience cost $600 for non-members (limit four) and $575 for members (limit four). There are no refunds for any of the tickets.

