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Catalytic converter thefts becoming an issue in Bloomington, with several Toyota Prius owners recently reporting thefts



Bloomington, Indiana – Catalytic converter thefts have become an issue in the city of Bloomington as well, with several thefts reported recently.

What these recent thefts have in common is that the catalytic converters were stolen from the same make of vehicles but from a different year.

The first catalytic converter theft was reported last week on Thursday, November 17th. A woman residing in the 600 block of West Ninth Street reached out to authorities and reported the catalytic converter from her 2006 Toyota Prius had been stolen. She said she was inside her home when, at around 8:40 a.m., she suddenly heard strange noises coming from outside. Her curiosity forced her to peek through the window, where she saw a person inside a pickup truck near her car. Then she went outside and discovered the catalytic converter had been stolen.

Over half an hour later that day, another woman also reported the catalytic converter had been missing from her vehicle. She told the police that a noise as if something was being dragged down woke her up. That’s when she went outside and noticed a pickup nearby, and shortly after that, she discovered the catalytic converter had been stolen from her 2009 Toyota Prius. The location where this theft took place was not revealed.

A third catalytic converter theft was reported by a man. The report indicates the catalytic converter was stolen from a 2005 Toyota Prius in the 1400 block of West 8th Street.

Now authorities are working to find those responsible and are asking anyone with information or who has noticed something suspicious to come forward. If you have any information, please contact the Bloomington Police Department.

