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New safety features for bike lanes installed by the City of Bloomington



Bloomington, Indiana – The week of March 11th saw the installation of new safety barriers along E Third St. between Indiana Ave. and Eagleson Ave., which divides the bike and motor vehicle lanes.

After consulting with IU, Bloomington Transit, and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission, the City of Bloomington decided to erect the barriers. The commission believed that the additional bike lane protection would be a good opportunity to put the extra barriers and delineator poles the city had in storage to use, according to commission member Rob Danzman.

“One of the engineers said, ‘Hey, we have an opportunity to protect this bike lane. We’ve got this material; we can do it really fast and really cheap, and we can have an impact,’” Danzman said.

The city decided to put in these safety measures because of growing concerns about cars stopping, parking, and encroaching on bike lanes, according to a press release. Cycling, walking, driving, and busing along the road are all at risk of injury or death when motor vehicles illegally enter bike lanes.

According to the press release, the installation might be improved or changed in the future to better meet the needs of the road’s traffic.


