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Bloomington Parks and Recreation presents a canine-themed Easter event



BLOOMINGTON – The public is invited to attend the Bloomington Parks & Recreation Departments newest canine-theme Easter event.

Let your pooches follow their noses to Switchyard Park on South Rogers Street in Bloomington for a special canine egg hunt on Saturday, April 3 from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m.

A $5 per dog entrance fee donation is requested.

Plastic eggs filled with dog treats and prizes will be scattered throughout the dog park for your furry friends to find.

After the hunt, visit exhibitor booths for valuable information and special gifts and chances to win a dog-themes prize basket.

Canine costumes are encouraged.

All well-behaved dogs that are spayed or neutered are welcomed to attend.

All dog park rules apply.

The event is sponsored by:

  • Freitag & Martoglio, LLC
  • Tyler Grubb, Agent
  • Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance
  • Roto-Rooter Plumbers

